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  • Centre for Socio-Political Research of the Republic of Srpska

    Statement by Dušan Pavlović, Director of the Centre for Socio-Political Research of the Republic of Srpska, on the occasion of April 22 – the Day of Remembrance of the Breakthrough of Jasenovac Inmates and Victims of the Genocide against Serbs committed by the Independent State of Croatia (NDH)

    21. April 2023.

    Throughout their historical journey spanning over a millennium on these lands, the Serbian people have experienced a tumultuous and often tragic history, punctuated by both triumphs and hardships. Yet, the genocide perpetrated by the Independent State of Croatia, where nearly two million Serbs, along with Jewish and Roma people, were targeted for annihilation, horrifyingly looms above all previous experiences. This biblical-scale tragedy has had a profound impact on the consciousness and outlook of the Serbian people towards life leaving an indelible mark on their collective memory.

    On this twenty second day of April, we commemorate the 78 th anniversary of the breakout of the last surviving inmates from the Jasenovac death camp. This heroic act of self-liberation by those who were determined to turn the tide against the evil that had engulfed them will be etched in our collective memory forever. The emergence of the Republic of Srpska echoed the resounding message of NEVER AGAIN in response to any acts of genocide committed against Serbs and attempts to degrade and destroy the Serbian people as a whole. Today, the
    Republic of Srpska serves as a guarantor of our survival, both biological and otherwise. The phrase NEVER AGAIN signifies a staunch stance and unwavering awareness, and when spoken in Donja Gradina , it becomes an impregnable shield protecting the core of our ancestral identity.

    As a nation, it is imperative that we nurture a culture of vigilance that transcends our institutionalised national culture of remembrance to ensure the survival and growth of our homeland, the Republic of Srpska.

    Let us come together in Donja Gradina on April 23rd and stand vigilant for the future of our nation. We must never forget that our very existence and freedom are now illuminated by the halos of martyrs and heroes.

    Our testimony at Donja Gradina serves as a solemn warning of the sinister forces that linger. It is also a vow to our holy martyrs and heroes that we shall persist in our efforts to ensure the survival, progress, and freedom of our nation. So, let us come together in vigilance and unity, and defend the Republic of Srpska as a guarantor of the security and prosperity of all its citizens.